2019 | Two Channel Video | 23'

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

Berlin International FIlm Festival - Forum Expanded, Germany

Sharjah Film Platform

Ayoung Kim’s speculative fiction Porosity Valley 2: Tricksters’ Plot combines migration of. Different layers occurring globally and the pseudo-myths of. Mongolia and associates them with the influx of Yemen refugees seeking shelter on Jeju Island. 

Korea Artist Prize is a prestigious art award and exhibition of Korea co-hosted by the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea and the SBS Foundation. It aims to support those artists who have explored and attested to the potential of contemporary Korean art. Since 2012 until today, Korea Artist Prize has presented visions by fostering discourses in the contemporary art scene. 

Ayoung Kim has shown her interest in and explorations of the migrations, transfers, crossings, supranationality, and locality taking place at a global level. Central among her recent pieces is Porosity Valley: Tricksters’ Plot (2019), a follow-up to her 2017 video work Porosity Valley: Portable Holes. Focusing on Asia as a region and Mongolia in particular, she combines her artistic interests with Mongolian folklore, exemplified by its beliefs concerning rocks and the land. As she juxtaposes stories from geology with the migration process and way of life for Yemeni refugees on Jeju Island - which has emerged as a pressing issue in South Korea - she addresses the journey of migration in a multi-layered approach. In so doing, the artist raises new questions that cut across the areas of history and the present.

김아영 작가는 전지구적으로 일어나는 여러 층위의 이주(移住)를 몽골의 유사신화와 접목시키고, 특히 제주도 예멘 난민의 이주와 중첩시켜 사변적 픽션의 형태로 완성한 신작 ≪다공성 계곡2: 트릭스터 플롯을 선보인다.

≪올해의 작가상은 한국 현대미술의 가능성과 창의적 역량을 보여주는 작가들을 선정하고 후원하기 위해 국립현대미술관과 SBS문화재단이 공동으로 주최하는 대한민국의 대표적인 미술시상제도이자 전시이다. 2012년부터 오늘에 이르기까지 현대미술의 새로운 흐름과 담론을 만들어내는 역할을 수행함으로써 한국 현대미술의 비전을 제시해 왔다.